

Abstract: TCM is the traditional medicine of our country and the treasure of the Chinese nation. In the aspects of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and health care, it has made great contributions to the national health of our country. Especially in today's critical period of the continuous development of global integration, the integration of TCM and Western medicine has become an inevitable trend of medical development in China, and Chinese medicine has gradually become an indispensable part of Western Medicine College. However, due to the multi-content and interdisciplinary characteristics of TCM curriculum, the smooth progress of its education and teaching has been greatly affected. In view of this situation, this paper first makes a detailed and in-depth analysis of the problems existing in the teaching of TCM in Western Medicine College, and on this basis, puts forward some suggestions for improvement. It is hoped that this study can play a guiding role in improving the teaching efficiency and quality of traditional Chinese medicine.











本文摘自(中国中医药现代远程教育 2020年18卷11期 刘万里(中国医科大学附属第一医院中医科)


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