

   [Abstract]: "curriculum ideology and politics" is the requirement for the education and teaching of various subjects in colleges and universities under the new situation. As a required course and bridge course, TCM diagnostics plays an important role in the students' transition from basic theoretical knowledge to clinical knowledge. The content of "ideological and political courses" is helpful for students to know the identity of "quasi-doctor" and improve their professional ethics, so as to improve their cultural and professional confidence. Teachers are the executive subject of "curriculum thinking and politics". Only by cultivating teachers' ability of "curriculum thinking and politics" can they truly combine teaching and educating and take up the responsibility of educating. This paper discusses how teachers should establish a firm awareness of moral education and improve their ability to educate people in the teaching of traditional Chinese medicine diagnostics.

    基金项目:北京中医药大学教育教学课题 (XJYB1901)



[1] 高德毅, 宗爱东. 从思政课程到课程思政: 从战略高度构建高校思想政治教育课程体系[J]. 中国高等教育, 2017(1): 43


[3]陈家旭,邹小娟. 国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十三五”规划教材《中医诊断学》——全国高等中医药教育教材中医诊断学(第3版)(供中医学、针灸推拿学、中西医临床医学等专业用),北京,人民卫生出版社, 2016:5-6 




  本文摘自(中国中医药现代远程教育  赵歆 罗和古 吴秀艳 宋月晗 关静 马捷 薛哲 薛晓琳  北京中医药大学中医学院中医诊断教研室,北京,102488)


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